Difference between two dates ‘NOW’ VBA: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Arnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Difference between two dates ‘NOW’ VBA: A Comprehensive Guide

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Working with dates in VBA can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to calculating the difference between two dates. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of VBA dates and explore the different ways to calculate the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function. Whether you’re a seasoned VBA developer or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to master date calculations in VBA.

What is the ‘NOW’ function in VBA?

The ‘NOW’ function in VBA returns the current date and time. It’s a built-in function that can be used in a variety of ways to perform date-related calculations. The ‘NOW’ function is often used in conjunction with other date functions, such as the ‘Date’ function, to perform calculations that involve the current date and time.

Sub now_function_example()
    MsgBox Now
End Sub

In the example above, the ‘NOW’ function is used to display the current date and time in a message box.

Calculating the Difference between Two Dates using ‘NOW’

There are several ways to calculate the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function. Here are a few examples:

Method 1: Using the DateDiff Function

The DateDiff function is a built-in VBA function that calculates the difference between two dates. Here’s an example of how to use the DateDiff function with the ‘NOW’ function:

Sub date_diff_example()
    Dim date1 As Date
    date1 = #2/1/2022#
    MsgBox DateDiff("d", date1, Now)
End Sub

In the example above, the DateDiff function is used to calculate the difference between the date ‘2/1/2022’ and the current date (returned by the ‘NOW’ function). The “d” argument specifies that we want to calculate the difference in days.

Method 2: Using the DateSub Function

The DateSub function is another built-in VBA function that calculates the difference between two dates. Here’s an example of how to use the DateSub function with the ‘NOW’ function:

Sub date_sub_example()
    Dim date1 As Date
    date1 = #2/1/2022#
    MsgBox Now - date1
End Sub

In the example above, the DateSub function is used to calculate the difference between the current date (returned by the ‘NOW’ function) and the date ‘2/1/2022’. The result is displayed in a message box.

Method 3: Using the TimeSpan Function

The TimeSpan function is not a built-in VBA function, but it’s a useful function that can be used to calculate the difference between two dates. Here’s an example of how to use the TimeSpan function with the ‘NOW’ function:

Function TimeSpan(date1 As Date, date2 As Date) As String
    Dim years As Long
    Dim months As Long
    Dim days As Long
    days = Abs(DateDiff("d", date1, date2))
    months = days \ 30
    years = months \ 12
    TimeSpan = years & " years, " & months Mod 12 & " months, " & days Mod 30 & " days"
End Function

Sub time_span_example()
    Dim date1 As Date
    date1 = #2/1/2022#
    MsgBox TimeSpan(date1, Now)
End Sub

In the example above, the TimeSpan function is used to calculate the difference between the date ‘2/1/2022’ and the current date (returned by the ‘NOW’ function). The result is displayed in a message box.

Common Scenarios

In this section, we’ll explore some common scenarios where you might need to calculate the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function.

Scenario 1: Calculating the Age of a Person

Here’s an example of how to calculate the age of a person using the ‘NOW’ function:

Sub calculate_age()
    Dim birth_date As Date
    birth_date = #1/1/1990#
    Dim age As Long
    age = DateDiff("y", birth_date, Now)
    MsgBox "You are " & age & " years old."
End Sub

In the example above, the DateDiff function is used to calculate the difference between the birth date and the current date (returned by the ‘NOW’ function). The result is displayed in a message box.

Scenario 2: Calculating the Number of Days until a Deadline

Here’s an example of how to calculate the number of days until a deadline using the ‘NOW’ function:

Sub calculate_deadline()
    Dim deadline As Date
    deadline = #3/15/2023#
    Dim days_until_deadline As Long
    days_until_deadline = DateDiff("d", Now, deadline)
    MsgBox "You have " & days_until_deadline & " days until the deadline."
End Sub

In the example above, the DateDiff function is used to calculate the difference between the current date (returned by the ‘NOW’ function) and the deadline. The result is displayed in a message box.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when working with dates in VBA:

  • When working with dates, it’s essential to use the correct format. In VBA, dates are typically represented in the format ‘mm/dd/yyyy’.
  • Make sure to use the correct date functions for the task at hand. For example, the DateDiff function is ideal for calculating the difference between two dates, while the DateSub function is better suited for calculating the difference between two dates and times.
  • When using the ‘NOW’ function, keep in mind that it returns the current date and time. If you only need the current date, you can use the ‘Date’ function instead.
  • When calculating the difference between two dates, make sure to use the correct unit of measurement. For example, if you want to calculate the difference in days, use the “d” argument with the DateDiff function.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of VBA dates and learned how to calculate the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function. Whether you’re calculating the age of a person, the number of days until a deadline, or simply need to perform a date-related calculation, the techniques and functions outlined in this article will help you achieve your goals.

Function Description Example
DateDiff Calculates the difference between two dates MsgBox DateDiff("d", #2/1/2022#, Now)
DateSub Calculates the difference between two dates and times MsgBox Now - #2/1/2022#
Timespan Calculates the difference between two dates and returns the result as a string MsgBox TimeSpan(#2/1/2022#, Now)

I hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on the differences between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function in VBA!

What is the ‘NOW’ function in VBA, and how does it relate to dates?

The ‘NOW’ function in VBA returns the current system date and time. It’s like a timestamp that updates in real-time! When used with dates, ‘NOW’ allows you to calculate the difference between two dates, giving you the power to track elapsed time, schedule appointments, or even automate tasks.

How do I calculate the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function in VBA?

To calculate the difference between two dates, you can use the ‘NOW’ function in conjunction with the DateDiff function. For example: `DateDiff(“d”, startDate, NOW())` will give you the number of days between the `startDate` and the current date. You can also use `-` operator to subtract one date from another, like this: `NOW() – startDate`.

What is the unit of measurement for the difference between two dates using the ‘NOW’ function in VBA?

The unit of measurement depends on the interval you specify in the DateDiff function. For example, if you use `”d”` as the interval, the result will be in days. If you use `”m”`, the result will be in months, and so on. You can choose from a range of intervals, including years (`”yyyy”`), quarters (`”q”`), months (`”m”`), days (`”d”`), hours (`”h”`), minutes (`”n”`), and seconds (`”s”`).

Can I use the ‘NOW’ function to calculate the difference between two dates in the past?

Yes, you can! The ‘NOW’ function returns the current system date and time, but you can use it to calculate the difference between two dates in the past by using the `-` operator or the DateDiff function. For example: `endDate – startDate` or `DateDiff(“d”, startDate, endDate)` will give you the difference between the two dates, even if they’re in the past.

Are there any limitations to using the ‘NOW’ function to calculate the difference between two dates in VBA?

One limitation is that the ‘NOW’ function is sensitive to the system clock, so if the system clock is incorrect, the results may be inaccurate. Additionally, when working with large datasets or complex calculations, performance issues might arise. But overall, the ‘NOW’ function is a powerful tool for calculating date differences in VBA!

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