Mastering the Art of Zig-Zag Scan: Generate Read-Address and Write-Address for NxN Matrix
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Mastering the Art of Zig-Zag Scan: Generate Read-Address and Write-Address for NxN Matrix

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Are you tired of tedious matrix traversals? Do you want to unlock the secrets of efficient data processing? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of zig-zag scans and show you how to generate read-address and write-address for an NxN matrix. Buckle up, folks!

What is a Zig-Zag Scan?

A zig-zag scan is a traversal technique used to access elements in a 2D matrix in a diagonal pattern, alternating between directions. This method is particularly useful in image processing, data compression, and other applications where sequential access is not necessary.

Why Do We Need Zig-Zag Scan?

In many scenarios, we need to access matrix elements in a specific order, such as:

  • Image compression: Zig-zag scan helps in encoding images more efficiently.
  • Data processing: It enables faster access to matrix elements, reducing computational time.
  • Parallel processing: Zig-zag scan facilitates parallel processing, making it ideal for multi-core architectures.

Understanding Read-Address and Write-Address

In the context of zig-zag scan, read-address and write-address refer to the coordinates of the matrix elements being accessed. The read-address is the coordinate from which we read the element, while the write-address is the coordinate where we write the element.

// Example: 4x4 Matrix
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
9 | 10 | 11 | 12
13 | 14 | 15 | 16

In the above 4×4 matrix, the read-address for element 6 is (1, 1), and the write-address is (1, 1) as well, since we’re accessing the element at row 1, column 1.

Generating Read-Address and Write-Address for NxN Matrix

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the matter. To generate read-address and write-address for an NxN matrix, we’ll use a simple algorithm:

  1. Initialize variables: row = 0, col = 0, direction = 1 (right-down direction)
  2. Loop until row >= N and col >= N:
    1. Read-address = (row, col)
    2. Write-address = (row, col)
    3. If direction == 1 (right-down direction):
      1. row += 1 (move down)
      2. col += 1 (move right)
    4. If direction == -1 (left-up direction):
      1. row -= 1 (move up)
      2. col -= 1 (move left)
    5. Update direction:
      1. If row == N-1 and col == 0, direction = -1 (change to left-up direction)
      2. If row == 0 and col == N-1, direction = 1 (change to right-down direction)

This algorithm will generate the read-address and write-address for each element in the NxN matrix, following the zig-zag pattern.

Example Code in C++

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void generateAddresses(int N) {
  vector<pair<int, int>> readAddresses;
  vector<pair<int, int>> writeAddresses;

  int row = 0, col = 0, direction = 1;

  while (row < N && col < N) {
    readAddresses.push_back({row, col});
    writeAddresses.push_back({row, col});

    if (direction == 1) {
    } else {

    if (row == N-1 && col == 0) {
      direction = -1;
    } else if (row == 0 && col == N-1) {
      direction = 1;

  // Print read-addresses and write-addresses
  cout << "Read-Addresses:" << endl;
  for (auto &addr : readAddresses) {
    cout << "(" << addr.first << ", " << addr.second << ")" << endl;

  cout << "Write-Addresses:" << endl;
  for (auto &addr : writeAddresses) {
    cout << "(" << addr.first << ", " << addr.second << ")" << endl;

int main() {
  int N = 4; // Change N to generate addresses for NxN matrix
  return 0;


In this article, we’ve demystified the art of generating read-address and write-address for an NxN matrix using the zig-zag scan technique. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to efficiently traverse and process matrix data in a wide range of applications.

NxN Matrix Read-Address Write-Address
4×4 (0, 0) (0, 0)
4×4 (1, 1) (1, 1)
4×4 (2, 2) (2, 2)
4×4 (3, 3) (3, 3)

Remember, the key to mastering zig-zag scan is understanding the read-address and write-address generation process. Practice makes perfect, so go ahead and experiment with different matrix sizes to solidify your skills!


  • Q: What is the time complexity of the zig-zag scan algorithm?
  • A: The time complexity is O(N^2), where N is the size of the matrix.
  • Q: Can I use zig-zag scan for non-square matrices?
  • A: Yes, the algorithm can be modified to accommodate non-square matrices. However, the underlying logic remains the same.
  • Q: How does zig-zag scan improve data processing efficiency?
  • A: Zig-zag scan enables parallel processing, reduces cache misses, and optimizes memory access, leading to improved data processing efficiency.

We hope this comprehensive guide has armed you with the knowledge to conquer the zig-zag scan technique. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unwrap the secrets of generating read and write addresses for a zig-zag scan of an NxN matrix!

What is a zig-zag scan in an NxN matrix?

A zig-zag scan in an NxN matrix is a traversal method that moves in a zig-zag pattern, visiting each element in the matrix. It starts from the top-left corner, moving diagonally down-right, then up-right, and so on, until it reaches the bottom-right corner. This scan is useful in image and video processing, data compression, and other applications.

Why do we need to generate read and write addresses for a zig-zag scan?

We need to generate read and write addresses to access and manipulate the elements of the matrix efficiently. By generating these addresses, we can optimize memory access, reduce memory traffic, and improve the performance of our algorithms. This is especially important in applications where memory access is a bottleneck, such as in digital signal processing and data compression.

How do I generate read addresses for a zig-zag scan of an NxN matrix?

To generate read addresses, you can use the following formula: `read_address = (i + j) * N + (i – j) * (i % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1)`, where `i` and `j` are the row and column indices, and `N` is the size of the matrix. This formula will give you the correct read address for each element in the matrix, following the zig-zag pattern.

How do I generate write addresses for a zig-zag scan of an NxN matrix?

To generate write addresses, you can use the same formula as for read addresses, but with a slight modification: `write_address = (i + j) * N + (i – j) * (i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1)`. This formula will give you the correct write address for each element in the matrix, following the zig-zag pattern.

Can I use the same formula for both read and write addresses?

Yes, you can use the same formula for both read and write addresses, but with a slight adjustment. You can use the formula `address = (i + j) * N + (i – j) * ((i + j) % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1)`, which will give you the correct address for both read and write operations. This formula takes into account the zig-zag pattern and the alternating direction of the scan.

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