What is GetAsyncKeyState(117) in Delphi?
Image by Arnie - hkhazo.biz.id

What is GetAsyncKeyState(117) in Delphi?

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Have you ever wondered what the mysterious code snippet GetAsyncKeyState(117) does in Delphi? Are you tired of scouring the internet for answers, only to come up empty-handed? Fear not, dear Delphi enthusiast, for today we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic function.

The Basics of GetAsyncKeyState

GetAsyncKeyState is a Windows API function that allows you to retrieve the state of a key on the keyboard. The function takes a single argument, which is the virtual key code of the key you’re interested in. In our case, the virtual key code is 117, but more on that later.

The function returns an integer value that indicates the state of the key. If the key is pressed, the least significant bit (LSB) of the return value is set to 1. If the key is not pressed, the LSB is set to 0. Simple, right?

What’s Virtual Key Code 117?

Virtually every key on your keyboard has a unique virtual key code assigned to it. These codes are used by the operating system to identify which key was pressed. In our case, virtual key code 117 corresponds to the F6 key.

So, when you call GetAsyncKeyState(117), you’re essentially asking the operating system, “Hey, is the F6 key currently pressed?”

Virtual Key Code Key
117 F6
13 Enter
27 Escape

How to Use GetAsyncKeyState in Delphi

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some actual Delphi code. Suppose we want to create a program that responds to the F6 key being pressed. Here’s a simple example:

program F6Detector;


  KeyState: Integer;

  while True do
    KeyState := GetAsyncKeyState(117);
    if (KeyState & $8000) <> 0 then
      Writeln('F6 key pressed!');

In this example, we use an infinite loop to continuously check the state of the F6 key. The GetAsyncKeyState function is called with the virtual key code 117, and the return value is stored in the KeyState variable.

We then use a bitwise AND operation (&) to check if the least significant bit of the return value is set to 1. If it is, we know the F6 key is pressed, and we print a message to the console.

The Sleep(50) function call is used to introduce a short delay between each iteration of the loop, preventing our program from consuming too many system resources.

Using GetAsyncKeyState in a GUI Application

In a GUI application, you might want to respond to key presses in a more elegant way. Let’s create a simple Delphi form with a label and a button:

On the form’s OnKeyDown event, we can add the following code:

procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
  Shift: TShiftState);
  if Key = 117 then
    Label1.Caption := 'F6 key pressed!';

In this example, we’re using the FormKeyDown event to capture key presses. When the F6 key is pressed, we update the label’s caption to display a message.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few things to keep in mind when working with GetAsyncKeyState:

  • Key presses are asynchronous: The function name might be misleading, but GetAsyncKeyState actually returns the state of the key at the time the function is called, not the state of the key at some arbitrary point in the past.
  • Key states can be ambiguous: If you’re checking for multiple keys, be aware that the return value can be ambiguous. For example, if you’re checking for both the F6 and F7 keys, the return value might indicate that both keys are pressed, even if only one of them is.
  • Use the correct virtual key code: Make sure you’re using the correct virtual key code for the key you’re interested in. You can find a comprehensive list of virtual key codes in the Windows API documentation.


In conclusion, GetAsyncKeyState(117) is a powerful tool in Delphi that allows you to detect key presses in a variety of scenarios. By understanding how the function works and how to use it effectively, you can create more responsive and engaging applications.

So, the next time you see a mysterious code snippet like GetAsyncKeyState(117), you’ll know exactly what it does and how to use it to your advantage.

Happy coding, Delphi enthusiasts!

  1. Microsoft Documentation: GetAsyncKeyState
  2. Delphi Wiki: GetAsyncKeyState
  3. Stack Overflow: GetAsyncKeyState in Delphi

Frequently Asked Question

GetAsyncKeyState – the mysterious function that has left many Delphi developers scratching their heads. Today, we’re going to unravel the enigma that is GetAsyncKeyState(117).

What does GetAsyncKeyState(117) do in Delphi?

GetAsyncKeyState(117) is a function in Delphi that checks the state of the F6 key on the keyboard. The number 117 is the virtual key code for the F6 key. This function returns the state of the key, whether it’s pressed or not, at the time the function is called.

What is the purpose of using GetAsyncKeyState(117) in Delphi?

GetAsyncKeyState(117) is often used in Delphi applications to capture the F6 key press event. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to perform a specific action when the user presses the F6 key, such as opening a settings dialog or toggling a feature on or off.

How does GetAsyncKeyState(117) differ from GetSyncKeyState(117) in Delphi?

GetAsyncKeyState(117) and GetSyncKeyState(117) are similar functions, but they differ in how they handle key state detection. GetAsyncKeyState(117) checks the key state at the time the function is called, while GetSyncKeyState(117) waits for the key to be released before returning the state. In most cases, GetAsyncKeyState(117) is the preferred choice.

Can I use GetAsyncKeyState(117) to detect key presses in a Delphi console application?

No, GetAsyncKeyState(117) is only suitable for GUI applications, not console applications. In console applications, you’ll need to use other methods, such as ReadConsoleInput or SetConsoleCtrlHandler, to detect key presses.

Are there any alternatives to GetAsyncKeyState(117) in Delphi?

Yes, you can use the OnKeyDown or OnKeyUp events of a Delphi form or control to detect F6 key presses. These events are more flexible and easier to use than GetAsyncKeyState(117), especially if you’re working with GUI components.