Taming the Beast: Unusable Display for Complex TypeScript Types in WebStorm vs VS Code
Image by Arnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Taming the Beast: Unusable Display for Complex TypeScript Types in WebStorm vs VS Code

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Are you tired of dealing with unreadable and unusable display for complex TypeScript types in WebStorm? Do you find yourself struggling to navigate the labyrinthine interfaces and type hierarchies in your code? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of TypeScript and explore the differences between WebStorm and VS Code when it comes to displaying complex types. Buckle up, folks, and let’s dive in!

The Problem: Unusable Display in WebStorm

WebStorm, one of the most popular integrated development environments (IDEs) for JavaScript and TypeScript development, has a reputation for being a powerful tool. However, when it comes to displaying complex TypeScript types, it can often fall short. The problem lies in the way WebStorm renders type information, making it difficult to read and understand.

  // Example of a complex TypeScript type
  interface ComplexType {
    property1: string;
    property2: {
      nestedProperty1: number;
      nestedProperty2: {
        deeplyNestedProperty: boolean;

In WebStorm, the type information for the above interface might look something like this:

  ComplexType: {
    property1: string;
    property2: {
      nestedProperty1: number;
      nestedProperty2: {
        deeplyNestedProperty: boolean;

As you can see, the display is cluttered and hard to read, making it challenging to understand the underlying type structure.

The Solution: VS Code to the Rescue

So, what’s the alternative? Enter VS Code, a lightweight, open-source code editor that has gained immense popularity in recent years. When it comes to displaying complex TypeScript types, VS Code shines. The type information is rendered in a clean and concise manner, making it easier to understand and navigate.

  // Same complex TypeScript type as before
  interface ComplexType {
    property1: string;
    property2: {
      nestedProperty1: number;
      nestedProperty2: {
        deeplyNestedProperty: boolean;

In VS Code, the type information for the above interface is displayed in a more readable format:

  ComplexType {
    property1: string
    property2: {
      nestedProperty1: number
      nestedProperty2: {
        deeplyNestedProperty: boolean

Notice the improved readability and clarity of the type information in VS Code. This makes it much easier to understand and work with complex TypeScript types.

Why the Difference?

So, why do WebStorm and VS Code differ in their display of complex TypeScript types? The answer lies in their underlying architecture and design philosophies.

  • WebStorm is a full-fledged IDE with a rich set of features and plugins. While this makes it a powerful tool, it also means that it can be slower and more resource-intensive. This can lead to performance issues when dealing with large and complex codebases.
  • VS Code, on the other hand, is a lightweight, open-source code editor that is designed for speed and flexibility. Its extensible architecture and modular design make it more agile and responsive, even when dealing with complex code.

In the case of complex TypeScript types, VS Code’s leaner architecture and focus on performance allow it to render type information more efficiently and effectively.

Taming the Beast: Tips and Tricks for Working with Complex TypeScript Types

Now that we’ve explored the differences between WebStorm and VS Code, let’s dive into some tips and tricks for working with complex TypeScript types:

  1. Use the `// @ts-ignore` comment: When working with complex types, it’s not uncommon to encounter type errors or issues. By adding the `// @ts-ignore` comment above the problematic line, you can temporarily suppress type checking and focus on resolving the issue.

  2. Break down complex types into smaller interfaces: Large, complex types can be overwhelming. Try breaking them down into smaller, more manageable interfaces that are easier to understand and work with.

  3. Use type aliases: Type aliases can help simplify complex types by providing a concise and readable way to define type definitions.

          type ComplexTypeAlias = {
            property1: string;
            property2: {
              nestedProperty1: number;
              nestedProperty2: {
                deeplyNestedProperty: boolean;
  4. Utilize the ` interfaces` section in your `tsconfig.json` file: By specifying the interfaces section in your `tsconfig.json` file, you can configure the type checker to include or exclude specific interfaces from type checking.

            "compilerOptions": {
              // ...
              "interfaces": ["node_modules/complex-type-library/interfaces"]
  5. Leverage the power of type inference: TypeScript’s type inference capabilities can help simplify complex types by automatically inferring types based on the context.


In conclusion, when it comes to displaying complex TypeScript types, VS Code is the clear winner. Its leaner architecture and focus on performance make it better suited for handling large and complex codebases. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can tame the beast of complex TypeScript types and become a master of type safety.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling with unreadable type information in WebStorm, consider giving VS Code a try. You might just find that it’s the perfect tool for the job!

Bonus: A Cheat Sheet for Complex TypeScript Types

To help you navigate the complex world of TypeScript types, we’ve put together a handy cheat sheet:

Type Description
interface Defines a blueprint for an object with specific properties and their types.
type A alias for a type definition, making it easier to read and write complex types.
enum Defines a set of named values that can be used in your code.
union A type that represents a value that can be one of several types.
intersection A type that represents the intersection of two or more types.

With this cheat sheet and the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering complex TypeScript types and becoming a TypeScript ninja!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the clarity you need on unusable display for complex TypeScript types in WebStorm compared to VS Code.

Why does WebStorm display complex TypeScript types as unusable, unlike VS Code?

WebStorm’s type rendering is more aggressive than VS Code’s, which can lead to unreadable displays for complex types. This is because WebStorm tries to display the entire type, including all its intricacies, whereas VS Code simplifies the display. This difference in approach can make WebStorm’s display unusable for complex types.

Can I configure WebStorm to display complex TypeScript types more elegantly, like VS Code?

Yes, you can! WebStorm provides settings to control how types are rendered. You can adjust the “Type rendering” settings in Preferences | Editor | General | Appearance to simplify the display. Additionally, you can use the “Type presentation” settings in Preferences | Editor | Inspections to customize how types are presented.

Are there any plugins or extensions that can improve WebStorm’s display of complex TypeScript types?

Yes, there are! Plugins like “TypeLens” and “TS TypeScript” can enhance WebStorm’s type display. These plugins provide features like type filtering, folding, and annotations to make complex types more readable. You can explore the WebStorm marketplace to find more plugins that suit your needs.

Is there a performance impact when using complex TypeScript types in WebStorm?

Complex TypeScript types can indeed impact WebStorm’s performance, especially if you have a large codebase. The aggressive type rendering can lead to slower performance, especially when navigating or editing complex types. However, WebStorm provides features like type caching and indexing to mitigate this impact.

Will WebStorm improve its display of complex TypeScript types in future updates?

The WebStorm team is actively working on improving the type rendering experience. They’ve already made significant improvements in recent versions, and you can expect further enhancements in future updates. You can follow the WebStorm blog and issue tracker to stay informed about upcoming changes and contribute to the discussion.

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