Unable to Check SSHD Agent Status on Ubuntu 24.04? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!
Image by Arnie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to Check SSHD Agent Status on Ubuntu 24.04? Don’t Panic! We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you stuck trying to check the SSHD agent status on your shiny new Ubuntu 24.04 installation? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to resolve this pesky issue and get you back to SSH-ing like a pro!

What is SSHD and Why Do I Need to Check Its Status?

SSHD (Secure Shell Daemon) is a service that allows secure remote access to your Ubuntu system. It’s like having a superpower that lets you manage your server from anywhere! But, just like any superpower, it needs regular maintenance to ensure it’s working correctly. Checking the SSHD agent status is crucial to identify potential issues that might prevent you from accessing your system remotely.

Why Can’t I Check the SSHD Agent Status on Ubuntu 24.04?

There are several reasons why you might be unable to check the SSHD agent status on Ubuntu 24.04:

  • SSHD service not running or installation issues.
  • Newbie mistakes (we’ve all been there!)
  • File permission issues.

Let’s Get Troubleshooting!

Don’t worry, we’ll tackle each potential issue one by one. Follow along, and you’ll be checking that SSHD agent status in no time!

Step 1: Check if SSHD is Installed and Running

Let’s start with the basics. Make sure SSHD is installed and running:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
sudo systemctl status sshd

If SSHD is not installed, the first command will take care of that. The second command checks the status of the SSHD service. If it’s not running, start it with: sudo systemctl start sshd.

Step 2: Verify SSHD Configuration Files

The SSHD configuration file is usually located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Let’s check if it’s present and has the correct permissions:

sudo ls -l /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo chmod 644 /etc/ssh/sshd_config

The first command checks if the file exists and has the correct permissions. If not, the second command sets the permissions to 644 (readable by everyone, writable only by the owner).

Step 3: Check systemd Configuration

In Ubuntu 24.04, systemd is the default init system. Let’s check if the SSHD service is correctly configured:

sudo systemctl show sshd | grep WantedBy
sudo systemctl enable sshd

The first command checks if the SSHD service is set to start automatically on boot. If not, the second command enables it.

Step 4: Check SSHD Agent Status

Finally, let’s check the SSHD agent status:

sudo ssh-add -l
sudo systemctl status ssh-agent

The first command lists the SSH keys added to the agent. The second command checks the status of the SSH agent service.

We’ve got you covered for some common issues that might arise during the troubleshooting process:

Issue Solution
Error: “ssh-agent is not running” Run eval `ssh-agent` to start the agent.
Error: “Permission denied (publickey)” Check file permissions for ~/.ssh and ensure the correct user owns the files.
Error: “sshd: no process found” Run sudo systemctl start sshd to start the SSHD service.

Phew! You’ve made it this far! If you’ve followed the steps and solved any potential issues, you should now be able to check the SSHD agent status on your Ubuntu 24.04 system. Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and patience is key. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to ask for help in the comments below!

Happy SSH-ing, and don’t forget to keep those SSHD agents in check!


  1. Q: What is the default SSHD port?
    A: The default SSHD port is 22.
  2. Q: Can I use SSHD with a non-default port?
    A: Yes, you can configure SSHD to use a non-default port by editing the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
  3. Q: How do I restart the SSHD service?
    A: Run sudo systemctl restart sshd.

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to check sshd agent status on Ubuntu 24.04, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why can’t I check the sshd agent status on Ubuntu 24.04?

The sshd agent status is not enabled by default on Ubuntu 24.04. You need to start the ssh-agent service and then you can check its status.

How do I start the ssh-agent service on Ubuntu 24.04?

You can start the ssh-agent service by running the command `eval $(ssh-agent -s)` in your terminal. This will start the ssh-agent service and you can then check its status.

What is the command to check the sshd agent status on Ubuntu 24.04?

You can check the sshd agent status by running the command `ssh-add -l` in your terminal. This will display the list of identities and their corresponding fingerprints.

Why do I get a “could not open a connection to your authentication agent” error when trying to check the sshd agent status?

This error occurs when the ssh-agent service is not running or not configured properly. Make sure you have started the ssh-agent service using the command `eval $(ssh-agent -s)` and then try checking the status again.

How do I make the ssh-agent service start automatically on Ubuntu 24.04?

You can make the ssh-agent service start automatically on Ubuntu 24.04 by adding the line `eval $(ssh-agent -s)` to your shell configuration file, usually `~/.bashrc` or `~/.zshrc`. This will start the ssh-agent service every time you log in to your system.